01 Oct 2019

Life happens and you need help with your credit. What now?

You work hard, then life happens. You need help.

We may be able to help. Contacting us is one way to find out what’s possible with your credit future. We look forward to helping you realize your credit potential. 

You work hard.

You do what you can to enjoy life and focus on the things that make you happy. Every day you push yourself to fight for what is important to you. Perhaps you get up early in the morning or come home late at night from your job.  Sometimes, that job might seem to get more out of you than you get out of it.

Or, maybe you’re a business owner or a stay-at-home parent, and your job never stops. You might even go to sleep and have dreams about your job, so it feels like you haven’t stopped working when you wake up. Then, you do it all over again. You work hard.

Then Life happens.

You or a family member gets sick. Your car breaks down. Maybe you try to help a friend out by co-signing for a loan and they run into money problems and can’t pay. Perhaps you lose your job or someone steals your identity.  Finally, it could be that you make mistakes (as every person does at some point in their life), but you find that those mistakes continue to haunt you.

Pretty soon, you find that your bank account is empty and your credit is destroyed. You don’t even realize it until it’s too late and you’re being denied a loan for a car, a mortgage, a credit card, or a business loan.

The bank denying you is only looking at numbers on a piece of paper. They don’t know the story behind those numbers. Life happens.

You fight.

Despite all of the setbacks, you’re a fighter in all the areas of your life that are important to you. If life knocks you down, you get right back up to face the challenge.

Some days, it’s easy. However, it’s also easy to get discouraged over time. It seems that the whole system is set up against you, and in some ways, perhaps unintentionally, it is. Being a savvy consumer, you start doing research and try to find solutions, searching for a sledgehammer to help you break down the wall that has been raised in front of you and your future. You do what you always do. You fight.

Don’t stop.

Even if you’re in a situation that requires credit repair rather than authorized user tradelines, go after it. Furthermore, be persistent and patient, constantly thinking about your goals.

Do your research and partner with the right people. First, you need to stay motivated and determined to be a success story. Afterward, when you’re finished, tell your story and encourage others. Let them know that it’s worth the effort. Make sure you’re constantly moving forward. Don’t stop.

Take action.

Connect with us and we can put a plan together to help solve your credit issues. We’ve been around for over a decade. Also, we pride ourselves on focusing on your goals and we understand that good business means being honest and supportive with each and every client we speak with.

If you know what you want, we’ll help you find it. We’ll help you figure out what you need if you don’t know what it that you want. We can help guide you in the right direction: whether it’s authorized user tradelines or guidance on credit repair solutions.

get tradelines

One thought on “Life happens and you need help with your credit. What now?”

  1. Hi, i have a question, say its been 45 days and the tradeline has posted; how long after do you all remove my name as a AU? Also in what time frame would you suggest to purchase a car? Within the next 3 months after it posted? 6mths? Please advise

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