Convert tax refunds into better credit scores

25 Mar 2019

Convert tax refunds into a better credit score.

Imagine if the government just gave you a better credit score instead of a tax refund. Well, technically, they give you your money back and you can use it to buy a better credit score. Here’s how.

As you may or may not know, it’s possible to buy a better credit score. It’s called piggybacking credit, which is like Uber, but for credit. In the arrangement, you pay to be added to pre-existing lines of credit (or “tradelines“).

The tradeline’s balance should be low, while the limit should be high. The tradeline’s payment history should be perfect. When you’re added to a tradeline that meets those conditions, your credit score could see a substantial increase. Of course, it should be noted that the impact of the tradeline depends heavily on what is on your credit report. We discuss the prequalification process for tradelines further on in this article.

Get your refund.

First, you need to file taxes and get your refund. Government websites are often difficult to navigate. However, the IRS compiled excellent information into one page, which you can read here.

get tax refunds to buy tradelines

We recommend that you request a direct deposit for your refund. Direct deposit is faster, more secure and less likely to have shipping issues compared to mailed refunds.

Get pre-qualified for tradelines.

Tradeline prequalification is much friendlier than loan qualification. Instead of evaluating your qualifications for tradelines, your credit is evaluated to find out how tradelines can help. For example, you can fix errors in your credit report in order to obtain the biggest impact from tradelines.

tradelines recommendation example
Example of a recommendation for tradelines.
credit repair recommendation
Example of a recommendation for credit repair prior to adding tradelines.

Here’s something you should consider: If a tradeline company, which makes money only when they sell tradelines, recommends that you do not buy tradelines… don’t buy tradelines. Instead, listen to their advice.

If you need debt settlement first, settle the debts.

If you need credit repair first, repair the credit.

Superior Tradelines is extremely honest and will tell you the truth about whether or not tradelines will work.

Get tradelines.

If you’re qualified and if you’ve received (or you anticipate) your tax refund, you should get the ball rolling as soon as possible. You can get an account now, for free, right here, and buy tradelines once you’re ready.

The tradeline buying process is easy:

  1. Contact the best tradeline company.
  2. Get a free credit report analysis.
  3. Review and accept the tradeline recommendation.
  4. Purchase tradelines and wait for reporting date(s).
  5. Enjoy your new credit score.

increase credit score by 754 points

(Do not expect these results. This is just an example, which we fully discuss here).

Converting tax refunds into better credit.

Now you know it’s possible and how to convert your tax refund into better credit. You do so by purchasing tradelines with your refund money. Once the tradelines report, you have a new credit score.

Now, share the word, because others might want to know the information you just discovered!

Updated: November 4, 2021

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