In response to a massive amount of client inquiries regarding their efforts to obtain credit cards, we decided to write this blog to help you make an informed decision. There are two main factors a creditor considers when you apply for a line of credit; income and credit scores.
Aside from buying tradelines, how much income do I need to get approved for a credit card?
Income has a large part to do with the amount of credit you are extended by each creditor.
As a general rule, the higher your income, a larger amount of credit a creditor will extend to you. This fact should not provoke you to embellish your income. Aside from the fact that it is immoral to lie, creditors may audit your application and ask for proof of income. If you lied about your income, they may limit your credit or close the account entirely.
Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing the income required to get any certain amount of credit. However, the higher the income, generally, the higher the amount of credit a creditor will extend.
In addition to buying tradelines, what score do I need to get approved for a particular credit card?
Evaluating credit scores is the main factor in determining whether or not you get approved for a line of credit. It also determines the interest rate you are offered. Once you know this information, you are more prepared to determine if buying tradelines is a good option for you. Also, credit scores help creditors determine whether or not you are a candidate for any promotional offers they may have at the time of your application, like zero interest for 12 months, etc. Buying tradelines can help satisfy lender requirements.
You don’t need a perfect score to get approved for a credit card, but the better your credit score, the better your chances are, and the better your interest rates are.
What if I have no credit score?
If you haven’t established your credit, it can be difficult to get approved. In these cases, adding authorized user tradelines are a great way to help you grow your credit file.
Another option would be to purchase a secured line of credit. While these are often smaller in limit, they can help you grow your credit file as long as you make routine payments.
Updated: November 2, 2021
Kate is a managing member of Superior Tradelines, LLC. She manages and coordinates the company’s operations and makes sure clients are assisted with care. You can contact Kate directly by calling: 321-328-0908 or by email:
I have a clean file on equifax and also on transunion. can you add positive tradelines on these two bureaus so I can get $25,000 and up on credit cards and lines of credit? Whast is the wholesale rate as I have a few client who wish to add positive tradeklines on their credit reports. can you send me the list. thanks,
Our tradelines report to all three bureaus. In that case, the lines will report to equifax and transunion. However, adding tradelines to a clean file does not guarantee you will receive any funding from any lender. This depends on your income, etc., as well as your credit. So, as far as funding goes, we can help with the credit score, but the rest is up to you and your lender.
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We would have to verify your business prior to discussing the wholesale pricing model and structure.
I hope that helps.
hello im looking to buy a house in the near future but my credit score is low and I have quite a few collections is it possible to add a tradeline to boost my score to qualify for a mortgage loan?
With only the information you provided, I can only say I don’t know. Yes, trade lines will help increase your credit score. However, depending on the nature of the collections, credit scores might not be the only issue and you may be denied despite having sufficient credit scores. What you need to do is talk to one of our credit specialist to find out whether or not trade lines can help after they review your credit report.