EXTENDED: 12 days of Tradelines!Â
Let us give you a gift of up to 30% off during our 12 days of Christmas AND New Year’s Sale!
To all our affiliates and clients to show you our appreciation for choosing us to help you and your clients, now through December 24th only we are offering TRADELINES DEALS:
Valid:Â December 13th NOW THROUGH January 1, 2020
Ph.: 800-431-4741
To all our affiliates and clients to show you our appreciation for choosing us to help you and your clients, during this week only we are offering TRADELINE PACKAGE DEALS: Buy 1 tradeline and get a qualifying second tradeline at $575 OR Buy 1 tradeline and get a second and third qualifying tradelines at $575 and $540 each respectfully!
Qualifying tradelines up to $25000 limit and up to 15 years of history! ONLY first come first serve!!!
Valid:Â November 25th through December 1st 2019 OFFER CODE “GIVETHNX” to get the special package deal
HURRY TO GET YOUR’S! Only a few lines left at the special price!Â
I have no credit score atm. I would like to buy a car but do not want the ridiculously high APR. Should i also open a secure line of credit with small on time payments?
That’s a risky thing to do, but… like everything, it depends. First, opening a secured credit card does not really help your credit score, because a credit score is a numerical representation of credit worthiness, which is another way of saying the bank’s risk in lending to you. Since a secured credit card shows no risk (after all, it’s “secured”), you’re not really helping yourself. Another reason it’s a bad idea is that you could actually hurt your credit score by doing a small limit line, which will slate you into a smaller “score card.” This means, your credit will be treated like a 19-year old college kid; high risk. Thereafter, lenders will say “Huge is worth $300.00 worth of risk.”
No, secured cards are good IF your credit report is not “open.” Meaning, if you pull your credit report and it says you don’t have a credit report, then, secured lines are a good idea to “start” a credit file. In fact, authorized user tradelines may not work unless you have an open credit file.
The good news, Hugo, is that having limited or no credit is actually a good thing when it comes to boosting credit scores with seasoned tradelines. The general rule is that the less in a credit report, the higher the credit score will go after piggybacking credit.
Finally, auto scores are calculated differently, but… this only applies when you have an auto tradeline. If you do not have an auto tradeline, then the scores will be affected by what is in your credit report. Thus, buying tradelines MIGHT be a good idea, in your situation.
Now, as you can see, there are many factors to consider and that’s without knowing a thing about you, your credit, etc. So, it is necessary to do a (free) credit report analysis and match appropriate tradelines with your credit goals.
Just give us a call anytime at 800-431-4741 or email us at info@superiortradelines.com Also, you can get access to the members portal (for free) at https://superiortradelines.com/start/
Matias, you are inaccurate. A secured card is just as good as a regular card. Reports and scores the same! Your “no risk” comment is completely innaccrate also! Do your research people, there are so many errors in his reply.
Sarah, I appreciate your desire to inform others, but all you said was that I was wrong (3 times). Please share with us what you think the truth is as opposed to telling us what you think it isn’t. I hate appeal to authority arguments, but I would respectfully suggest that I see thousands of credit reports each year and results from different things people do. I am also extremely well read and connected in this industry. I assure you I am not in the business of making up information, that’s only profitable on the news. 🙂
I think Matias meant a secured card wouldn’t help the original poster, given his situation. Also not all secured cards do help. Cap one does.offer a great secured card as it doesn’t report as secured. You must read the fine print when trying to get a secured card. Cap one does report as a normal card, it has boosted my score quite a Bit. If I keep it under 30% of course.
Awesome. Thanks for the feedback. Also, can you share the particular Capital One card? Thanks!
I am wanting to buy a tradeline that will allow me to get a cosmetic surgery with care care credit. How can i make this happen and what will be the cost?
First, and this isn’t credit related, I am not sure you want to go into debt for cosmetic surgery, especially if it is elective. I know nothing about your situation (could be medical related), but it just seemed like an inappropriate use of debt.
Second, and this is credit related, you usually do not need tradelines (authorized user tradelines to boost your credit score) to get approved for care credit. They usually go by income and are very generous in approvals.
So, if you wanted to clarify those two things, I’d be happy to continue the discussion. In a sense, I’m saying you might not want to do this, but in another sense, I think you don’t need our services anyway… you should probably be able to get approved for a care credit account without tradelines from us.
I have no credit but a lot inquiries but will live to purchase a house using a usda loan, my income is good. Just wonder if I get a trade line will that help me enough to purchase a house?
Hey Kenneth, I think you chatted with Raj already, but I’ll chime in as well. Often times, clients say “Here’s this, that, that and this… will tradelines help?” And, sometimes it is possible to answer and sometimes it isn’t. So, in your case, we’d have to separate the two issues: 1) Credit and 2) underwriting procedures. If your lender does not care about your inquires, then yes… your scores will shoot up and you will be in a better position for a mortgage after adding tradelines. However, suppose we add tradelines and your scores shoot up, but your underwriter says “Wow, great scores. But, unfortunately, I cannot approve a loan if you have more than 12 inquires and you have 13.”
Now, that’s very uncommon for mortgages. That’s more common for business loans and alternative funding efforts. However, you should still consider that if you have excessive inquires, it could (not saying it will, but could) be an underwriting concern. So, you should probably ask your lender: “Hey, if I have sufficient credit scores and income, will I be approved for the loan even though I have X amount of inquires?” If the answer is yes, move forward with tradelines. If the answer is no, then move forward with credit repair to determine if those inquires are legitimate and if not have them removed under the FCRA.
Here’s a post we wrote about score impact scenarios: https://superiortradelines.com/add-tradelines/score-increase-adding-tradelines/
What type of deals do you have available.I read your post about an influx of inventory .I would like to purchase.Thank you.
Hurley, we just updated the page. So, please check out https://superiortradelines.com/specials for details. Right now, it’s buy one get one for $425.00
Please also feel free to share the link if you know others that may need our service.
Why don’t you use CPN’s or do you? I have scores ranging from the high 580 to 633. I’m looking for a recommendation on you behalf to boost my scores. Should I focus on my scores or retain a tri-merged CPN’s. Finally, do CPN’s really exist?
Hey Charles, as far as credit-situation-to-credit-goals questions, please contact us (800-431-4741 or info@superiortradelines.com or https://superiortradelines.com/start/)
As far as CPNs are concerned, please see: https://superiortradelines.com/cpns/new-law-stops-credit-profile-numbers/ and https://superiortradelines.com/forum/
Let us know if you have any other tradelines questions! Thanks!
Inquiring pricing
Hello, I’m in the process of rebuilding my credit. I recently filed bankruptcy in order to prevent foreclosure. Long story short everything was successful and debts where discharged in 2016. I chose not to reaffirm any of the debt, but I still remain in the house and have a vehicle. My credit was pretty stable pre bankruptcy and therefore I’ve been able to sort of pick up. It hasn’t even been a year post bankruptcy and my score ranges between 675 to 682 via the credit karma site. I will recieve my fico score update next month. Total debt on my cr now is about 88k which are from student loans and vehicle purchase. I want to know if a tradeline could help me. My oldest credit line on my account is probably 10 years. Oh and I opened up a credit card that i keep below 10% ultization with a credit limit of 2k. The reason I’m inquiring about trade lines is because I need some operating capital to start my business.
Hello Matias, my question is if my credit is at a poor standing score of 520 with 12 inquiries and currently at a low income status (self employed for the last 9years) what would you suggest for me if I was wanting to purchase a new home and wanting a 50k credit limit how much tradelines and how much time would it take me to reach that point (estimate) if I were to do it with tradelines being in my kind of situation in order for me to get the ball rolling? Im a single mother of 5 and currently struggling to manage day to day life with my credit score ? I need some ideas please help
Charlene, so this is probably outside the scope of normal advice we give, but… I’d say focus on income, no credit. Credit is much like a necessary evil; it can be used as leverage to propel and accelerate success (such as in the case of an expanding business or venture), but it can also accelerate failure and debt. In fact, “credit” literally is “debt.” So, essentially, you’re saying you want debt to get into debt. I hope this isn’t too out of bounds, but I think credit is not a problem you face… it’s a blessing that you don’t have any.
Out of curiosity, what do you do? Any sales or marketing experience? Send us a resume!
To answer your question more directly, it depends on why you’re a 520. I suspect its more than just inquires (such as collections or charge-offs). So, depending on what’s in your report, you may need credit repair first.
Generally, you’re not getting a 50K line of credit – no matter how good your credit is – unless your income is sufficient to qualify for that kind of line of credit. However, I think a mortgage is a great idea, since paying rent is throwing money in the garbage. I think that’s a goal worth pursuing. In that regard, we’d have to take a look at your credit report to make a recommendation. Give us a call at 800-431-4741!
Hello, Im currently a pretty successful salesperson with a much above average income. I’m looking to find ways to artificially boost my credit. I have the funds to pay off all of my debt, just will lack reliable payment history. I am looking to make a career switch out of my current field into something else and think a good score for things down the road would be a good asset while looking for a new sales adventure. What kind of credit gains do you generally see in points? What are the prices? Is buying multiple tradelines beneficial? Looking forward to your response
Very good question. Tradelines are a quick boost, not a long term fix. So, yes, tradelines are beneficial, but you’d be better off applying them toward a specific goal (like a mortgage, etc.), rather than a general better-credit goal. Since the impact of tradelines goes away, here’s something you can do. Get tradelines to increase your score. Apply for credit cards after the tradelines boost your score. Then, maintain those credit cards in good standing and you will maintain this new (better) credit score. Make sense? Hope that was helpful!
Currently repairing my credit, will have everything paid off besides student loans by the middle of May. What a roller coaster! My lease is up in August, but I am wanting to buy a house. Credit scores are all over the lower 500’s for now. I’m wanting to start getting the ball rolling on purchasing a house.. Lets say, hypothetically that it takes 3 months to close on a house, do the tradelines stay on credit reports until home loan is finalized? I am going to be talking to one of your specialists, but I need get everything paid off before I dive into this portion.
Taylor, perfect questions! We love goal oriented clients! Go to our videos page and look at the video titled “How long do tradelines last?” This will provide a perfect answer to your question. We look forward to working with you!
My credit score use to be 690, and now it’s 590. I started a business and have great income but I want to expand into government contracts, but in order to win a bid I must have the resources to back it. I can not get a loan to save my life lol. I have 398 on time payments (never was late) and I have a American Express, Discovery, capital One I Max them out every month and pay them off every month.
I need a about 3 trade line around 70k each so I can get a loan for 200k+ to fulfill bigger orders and maintain payroll once I receive payment from the contract. I will gladly pay them off and take another one.
What do I need to do?
Tristan, thanks for the details; they helps. So, right off the bad, you must know: adding tradelines does not directly result in getting a loan and it does not directly (if at all) result in getting a particular amount of a loan. Typically, loan amount is determined by your ability – not your credit worthiness – to repay. For example, you will likely not get a loan if you have an 820 credit score with no income. Also, you will likely not get a loan if you have a 400 credit score with a 6 figure income. So, the balance has to be correct. Amount borrowed takes into consideration whether you can pay it back, what collateral you have, the purpose of the loan, and, of course, you credit worthiness. I am blabbing here, but I just wanted to disconnect the two concepts to make sure you’re not mislead by yourself or anyone else.
So, what do we do? We add authorized user tradelines to increase credit scores. The income is on you. So, you should not start with us… here’s where you start: You go to the bank and says “I need to borrow X, what do I need in order to do that?” They will tell you a lot of things. If you check the box on all of those things aside from your credit score, then that’s when you call us (you can call us anytime, but you see where I am going with this).
Finally, a 590 credit score represents at least some serious issues. So, I think we should probably take a closer look at your credit report (especially a recent 3-bureau credit report from a legitimate source… no credit karma, for example). We’re available now at 800-431-4741
Hey Matias,
I was hoping I could pick your experienced brain on the subject of appropriate credit use. I’m starting investing in digital currency and I initially thought I’d go with Gemini wallet. They’re reputable, they are an actually cryptocurrency exchange, and they verify funds are available through the bank accounts before all of their transactions. Coinbase on the other hand is a little more flexible. They are reputable as well as successful like Gemini. The thing that scared me is that they allow bitcoin purchases on credit. My questions are:
What happens if a large percentage of people start defaulting on their bitcoin debt?
Do you think this is an appropriate use of credit with the opportunity being what it is right now? If yes, do you think tradelines could be my solution?
Hey Anthony. Great question! You answered your own question by pointing out all the relevant considerations: 1) potential gain 2) volatility 3) ICOs
Are you suggesting that you can have a credit card in the form of “issued” bit coin? If so, that’s scary. We don’t even do that well with USD. If you’re saying they let you buy BTC (or other crypto) with credit cards, then I suppose the “default” will impact the USD side of the individual and not the crypto market. But, as you can tell from my answer, I know nothing about the credit side of cryptocurrency. However, that’s my guess.
Buy tradelines -> Boost score -> Get credit cards -> Buy BTC
Is that what you’re suggesting? And, are you asking if that’s a good idea?
Hmmmm… it’s not a matter of good or bad, it’s an investment. You should decouple the two concepts. And ask: 1) Do I believe in this investment 2) If so, am I willing to wager my debt and credit on it?
I think cryptocurrency will take over and I think BTC will be over $100,000.00 relatively soon. However, I still wouldn’t buy it with my credit card 🙂
Not sure if I answered your question, but thanks for the interesting topic!